
Jessica has 48 coins, some of them are nickels and some are dimes. How many of each does she have if she has $3.25 total?

Accepted Solution

Jessica will have 17 Dimes and 31 Nickels.Nickel = 0.05Dime = 0.10XNickels + YDimes = 3.250.05X + 0.1Y = 3.25You could do this using trial and error.You know the maximum amount of dimes you could have is 32. Because 32 * 0.1 = 3.20. If you had 33 dimes, you'd go over the limit. You also know you need to have 48 coins. If you have 32 dimes and 1 nickel, you will not have 48 coins.You can try any number below 32. I will try 16 because it's half of 32.16 * 0.1 = 1.6048 - 16 = 32 coins left32 * 0.05 = 1.601.60 + 1.60 = 3.20We're a nickel off, therefore we need to remove a nickel and add a dime.17 * 0.1 = 1.7048 - 17 = 3131 * 0.05 = 1.551.70 + 1.55 = 3.25Jessica will have 17 Dimes and 31 Nickels.